Brady Gang's Notorious Double IPA
$ 73.00
This is exactly what it sounds like: double the malt, double the hops, double the ABV, double the goodness. With a Belgian yeast and candi sugar for added excitement. Named after the infamous group of gangsters who met their fate, outside our storefront, in the middle of Central Street in the 1930s.
Color: 11 SRM (Copper to Red/Lt Brown). IBU: 48.6. ABV: 7.6%.
Extract kits include liquid and/or dry malt extract, plus crushed specialty grains with a grain sock to steep. Partial mash kits include malt extract, plus a larger amount of crushed base malt and specialty grains with a grain sock, and require extra steeping time. All-grain kits include crushed base malt and specialty grains, and require advanced technique and equipment.All kits also include:
• Hops
• Bottle caps and priming sugar
• Whirlfloc tablet or Irish moss
• Spices and/or other additives (if applicable)
• Yeast (you choose between dry yeast, liquid yeast, or no yeast)