Galaxy Drive-In, an OK IPA

$ 65.00

OK as in Oklahoma! Yeah, I made up a style and called it the OK IPA: a twist (eh!?) on the New England IPA. Like it's northeastern cousin, the OK IPA is hazy and tropical and all that, but it stands out with milder hop additions (almost all Galaxy) and a touch of Galaxy's sibling Ella late in the boil to add some noble, earthy character. Plus, I used flaked rye (apparently Oklahoma is the leading producer of rye in the US) in place of flaked oats for some different character!

Why did I, a random dude in Maine, make an Oklahoma IPA? Because that's where the film "Twister" takes place AND we see "The Shining" at the Galaxy Drive-In in the movie. Plus, I spent a week in Oklahoma one day and I feel like I get the state's vibe.

Color: 4.5 SRM | IBU: 15 | ABV: 5.6%

Extract kits include liquid and/or dry malt extract, plus crushed specialty grains with a grain sock to steep. Partial mash kits include malt extract, plus a larger amount of crushed base malt and specialty grains with a grain sock, and require extra steeping time. All-grain kits include crushed base malt and specialty grains, and require advanced technique and equipment.

All kits also include:
• Hops 
• Bottle caps and priming sugar
• Whirlfloc tablet or Irish moss
• Spices and/or other additives (if applicable)

• Yeast (you choose dry yeast, liquid yeast, or not yeast)

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