Short Season Summer Pilsner

$ 62.00

Want a crisp, refreshing summer lager without the necessary temperature controls or extended fermentation? So did I, which is where "Short Season" comes in! This summer pils has a blast of tropical fruit flavor and aroma blended with classic American hop character like pine and resin and a nice bitter backbone that won't prove overwhelming. It's just, like, perfect for sipping or crushing.

Choose Novalager for a smooth lager fermented like an ale, or Kveik if you want it done in a week or have to ferment above 70 degrees (F). *These yeast strains are often in short supply, so shipping may be delayed. Feel free to choose "No yeast" and select a different yeast option.*

Color: 3.5 SRM | IBU: 35 | ABV: 4.6%

Extract kits include liquid and/or dry malt extract, plus crushed specialty grains with a grain sock to steep. Partial mash kits include malt extract, plus a larger amount of crushed base malt and specialty grains with a grain sock, and require extra steeping time. All-grain kits include crushed base malt and specialty grains, and require advanced technique and equipment.

All kits also include:
• Hops 
• Bottle caps and priming sugar
• Whirlfloc tablet or Irish moss
• Spices and/or other additives (if applicable)

• Yeast (you choose your preferred dry yeast or no yeast)

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