BGR Belgian Golden
$ 45.00
Spicy, fruity, and incredibly drinkable. A great “gateway” Belgian ale.
Color: 4 SRM (Yellow). IBU: 25. ABV: 5.3%.
Extract kits include liquid and/or dry malt extract, plus crushed specialty grains with a grain sock to steep. Partial mash kits include malt extract, plus a larger amount of crushed base malt and specialty grains with a grain sock, and require extra steeping time. All-grain kits include crushed base malt and specialty grains, and require advanced technique and equipment.
All kits also include:
• Hops
• Bottle caps and priming sugar
• Whirlfloc tablet or Irish moss
• Spices and/or other additives (if applicable)
• Yeast (you choose dry yeast, liquid yeast, or not yeast)